The NCAT Annual Report 2022-2023 was tabled in NSW Parliament on 21 December 2023. The report is now available to download from the NCAT website.
NCAT Annual Report 2022-2023 (PDF, 2.2 MB)
2022-23 in Review
76,437 Applications lodged
- 8.5% increase in applications lodged compared to 2021-22
- 712 internal appeals lodged
64.8% Applications lodged online
- 85.4% of applications in the Consumer and Commercial Division lodged online
93,324 Hearings held
- Hearings and other listing events were held in 33 locations across NSW
- NCAT returned to in-person hearings, offering a mix of hearings via telephone, video conference and in-person
76,447 Matters finalised
- 7.4% increase in finalisations compared to 2021-22
- Achieved an overall clearance ratio of 100%
80 Community consultations, stakeholder group meetings, Tribunal Member and staff training sessions
1.3 million+ Website visits
- 1,332,033 visits to the NCAT website
- 2,839,543 pages viewed online
- 1,661 followers on NCAT X (formerly Twitter)
- 3,961 e-newsletter subscribers