Fact sheets

Fact sheets about general processes and specific information about proceedings in NCAT’s Divisions.

General fact sheets

Fact sheet ​Description
Introducing NCAT (PDF, 74.5 KB) Explains the role of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) and what it does. 
Attending hearings by telephone or video (PDF, 182.6 KB) Find out how parties or witnesses can attend a hearing and how to make a request to attend (or participate) by telephone or video.
Conclaves and expert evidence (PDF, 211.3 KB) Find out when NCAT may order that experts meet in a conclave to discuss issues in dispute.
Federal jurisdiction (PDF, 223.2 KB)
Explains what happens if there is a 'federal jurisdiction' problem. 
Getting help (PDF, 162.8 KB) A list of services in NSW that provide free or low-cost legal information, advice and assistance.
How we can and cannot assist (PDF, 170.7 KB) Explains what information and assistance NCAT Registry staff can and cannot provide. 
​Complaints about NCAT (PDF, 106.9 KB) Explains what a complaint is, how they are managed and what kind of response you will receive.
Use of Generative AI in Tribunal proceedings (PDF, 135.6 KB) Provides an overview of Generative AI (Gen AI) and its applications and restrictions in Tribunal proceedings.

Fact sheet for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Fact sheet ​Description
Aboriginal fact sheet - Do you need legal help? (PDF, 460.3 KB) A list of services in NSW that give legal information, advice and referrals for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 

Administrative and Equal Opportunity Division fact sheets

Fact sheet ​Description
Decision timeframes in the Administrative & Equal Opportunity Division and Occupational Division (PDF , 64.7 KB)
​Explains when you can expect a decision from the Administrative & Equal Opportunity Division or Occupational Division.
Working with Children Check hearing (PDF , 364.9 KB)
Explains how to prepare for a Working with Children Check hearing.

Appeal Panel fact sheets

Fact sheet ​Description
Decision timeframes for internal appeals (PDF , 84.9 KB) ​Explains when you can expect to receive a decision from NCAT's Internal Appeal Panel. 

Consumer and Commercial Division fact sheets

Fact sheet Description
Community schemes (PDF, 202.1 KB) Information on how community schemes disputes are managed at NCAT.
Conciliation (PDF, 102.0 KB) Information about the conciliation process used by NCAT's Consumer and Commercial Division.
Decision timeframes in the Consumer & Commercial Division (PDF, 64.0 KB) ​Explains when you can expect to receive a decision from NCAT's Consumer and Commercial Division.
Enforcing orders (PDF, 162.8 KB) Information on how to enforce a money order from NCAT.
​Information for respondents (PDF, 121.4 KB) Explains what to expect as a respondent in NCAT's Consumer and Commercial Division proceedings. 
Preparing for hearing (PDF, 118.4 KB) How to prepare for a hearing in NCAT's Consumer and Commercial Division.
Residential communities (PDF, 262.2 KB) Information on how to resolve a residential communities dispute at NCAT.
Retirement villages (PDF, 236.4 KB) Information on how to resolve a retirement village dispute at NCAT.
Strata schemes (PDF, 232.2 KB)
​Information on how to resolve a strata schemes dispute at NCAT.
Tenancy and social housing (PDF, 291.0 KB) Information on how to apply to NCAT to resolve a tenancy or social housing dispute.

Guardianship Division fact sheets

Visit the Guardianship Division fact sheets page for information about NCAT's Guardianship Division and how matters are dealt with in that Division.

Occupational Division fact sheets

​ Fact sheet ​Description
Decision timeframes in the Administrative & Equal Opportunity Division and Occupational Division (PDF , 64.7 KB) Explains when you can expect a decision from the Administrative & Equal Opportunity Division or Occupational Division.
Last updated:

07 Mar 2025

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