Enforcement FAQs

Frequently asked questions about enforcing an NCAT order.

The tenant hasn't left the premises yet. How can I make them leave?

You can request NCAT to issue a warrant for possession. A warrant allows a Sheriff's Officer to evict the tenant from the premises.

The steps for a warrant for possession are as follows:

  1. Wait until after midnight of the date NCAT ordered possession to be given before requesting a warrant.
  2. Complete the warrant for possession request form (PDF , 148.4 KB) and send to NCAT.  
  3. NCAT will email the warrant to the Office of the Sheriff and notify the parties.
  4. Contact the Office of the Sheriff- external sitelaunch to arrange eviction of the tenant. There will be a fee charged by the Office of the Sheriff to execute the warrant.
NCAT ordered money to be paid, but I still haven't received anything

You can request NCAT issue you with a certified money order.  If the person has not paid you by the due date, the steps for requesting a certified money order are as follows:

  1. You must wait until after the date on the NCAT order
  2. Make your request in writing or in person for NCAT to send you a certified money order
  3. Take the certified money order to your nearest Local Court (or District Court if the amount is over $100,000) and register it as an order of that court
  4. You will be required to provide the Court with accurate information about the person or business who owes you money
  5. There will be a fee charged by the Court for the enforcement action.  This fee may be recoverable as part of the debt.
Can NCAT change the amount owing on the certified money order?

No.  A certified money order must accurately reflect the orders made by NCAT.  If the person who owes you money has paid part of the debt, you must notify the Local Court (or District Court) when you present them with the certified money order and they will update their records.

Last updated:

12 Nov 2024

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