Attending a hearing by telephone or video

Announcement - 1 May 2023

NCAT has recently introduced a new form and fact sheet to help parties and witnesses request permission to attend a hearing by telephone or video.

The new request form and fact sheet can be used for most NCAT proceedings, except for the Guardianship Division which has separate procedures.

NCAT has returned to in person (or face to face) hearings in most categories of matters. Directions hearings will generally continue to be held “virtually” by telephone or video.

If parties or witnesses wish to attend a hearing by telephone or video, they will need to submit their request for permission to attend a hearing by telephone or video as soon as possible before the scheduled hearing date.

NCAT will consider each request on a case-by-case basis and determine whether it is appropriate to grant permission to attend a hearing by telephone or video. Considerations include the type of proceeding, nature and complexity of the matter and views expressed by other parties.

Last updated:

01 May 2023

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