Speeches and conference papers

Selection of speeches and conference papers delivered by the President, Deputy Presidents and Members about the work of NCAT.


Representing clients in the Guardianship Division of NCAT (PDF, 239.2 KB)
25 June 2024, NCAT Deputy President, Anne Britton
NSW Bar Association 


Representing clients in the Guardianship Division of NCAT (PDF, 207.3 KB)
17 August 2023, NCAT Deputy President, Anne Britton
NSW Law Society Conference


Elder abuse through the lens of the Guardianship Division (PDF, 237.5 KB) 
10 September 2022, NCAT Deputy President, Anne Britton
2022 Blue Mountains Law Society Succession Conference


The evolving landscape of restrictive practices in aged care: What is the role of guardianship? (PDF, 199.5 KB)
12 March 2021, Principal Member Christine Fougere
Australian Guardianship & Administration Council (AGAC) Biannual meeting, Hobart

Substitute decision-making, the NDIS, and the NDIS quality and safeguards commission (PDF, 381.1 KB)
24 February 2021, Deputy President Malcolm Schyvens
Legalwise National NDIS Conference 


Consumer claims within NCAT (PDF, 240.4 KB)
26 July 2018, Deputy President Stuart Westgarth
Redfern Legal Centre, Sydney 

AAC on both sides of the fence (PDF, 43.2 KB)
24 July 2018, General Member Fiona Given
International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 18th Biannual Conference, Queensland 

Conducting a fair and effective hearing (PDF, 515.1 KB)
29 May 2018, Principal Member Anne Britton
Administrative Appeals Tribunal, 2018 Annual Conference, Queensland 

The Guardianship Division of NCAT: Current Jurisdiction, Practice, Procedure and Proposals for Reform (PDF, 971.7 KB)
16 May 2018, Deputy President Malcolm Schyvens
Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners, Sydney 


The Australian Guardianship Tribunal System: Lessons to Share with Canada (PDF, 262.2 KB)
2 November 2017, Deputy President Malcolm Schyvens
Canadian Elder Law Conference, Vancouver 

Guardianship, financial management and the NDIS: NCAT's experience (PDF, 368.1 KB)
23 March 2017, Principal Member Christine Fougere
Australian Guardianship & Administration Council Meeting, Hobart​ 

Administrative Review in NCAT (PDF, 313.0 KB)
21 March 2017, The Hon Justice Robertson Wright
NSW Bar Association Seminar, Sydney

Trends of legal development of guardianship: a transition or a destination (PDF, 343.1 KB)
18 February 2017, Deputy President Malcolm Schyvens
2nd Guardianship Conference of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

​​The Challenges of Reviewing Enduring Powers - A Toolkit from the Perspective of the Guardianship Division of the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal (PDF, 273.0 KB)
18 February 2017, Deputy President Malcolm Schyvens
2nd Guardianship Conference of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


The Role of NCAT's Guardianship Di​​vision (PDF, 509.0 KB)
​22 November 2016, ​Principal Member Christine Fougere
UNSW Elder Law Seminar, Sydney

​Conducting hearings in the Consumer and Commercial Division of NCAT (PDF, 165.5 KB)​ ​
31 Ma​y 2016, Senior Member David Goldstein
Australian Construction Law Discussion Group, Sydney 

​The NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal - Where did it come from? How does it work? How does the Supreme Court relate to NCAT? (PDF, 454.9 KB)​​​ ​​
16 March 20​16, The Hon Justice Robertson Wright
Supreme Court of New South Wales Seminar, Sydney


2nd International Conference on Capacity (PDF, 393.1 KB) ​
13 October 2015​, ​Deputy President Malcolm Schyvens
IPA International Congress, Berlin Germany

​NCAT Case Management and Practice and Procedure (PDF, 443.5 KB) ​
29 May 2015, The Hon Justice Robertson Wright
Land & Environment Court Annual Conference, Sydney

​An Overview of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (PDF, 104.7 KB) ​
3 March 2015, The Hon Justice Robertson Wright
College of Law Litigation Breakfast Series, Sydney


​Launch of the Civil and Administrative Tribunal of NSW (PDF, 41.7 KB) ​
29 January 2014, The Hon Justice Robertson Wright
NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal, Sydney

Last updated:

23 Oct 2024

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