Tribunal Members

Tribunal Members are the decision makers of NCAT. They hear and decide cases in accordance with the law and the evidence presented.

NCAT's Tribunal Members are appointed by the Governor or Attorney General under the Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013.

The following appointments are current​ as at 7 February 2025.


Armstrong, The Hon Justice Lea

Deputy Pre​​si​dents

Britton, Anne
Hennessy, Acting Judge Nancy
Sarginson, Gregory
Seiden SC, Judge Rashelle
Westgarth, Stuart

Principal ​​M​​embers

Ainslie-Wallace, The Hon Ann
Balla, Acting Judge Audrey
Blake AM SC, Garth
Booby, Rhonda
Coleman SC, The Hon Acting Judge Ian
De Jersey, Sancia
Handebo, Simon
Le Poer Trench, The Hon Acting Judge Mark
Levy SC, Acting Judge Leonard
Ransome, Kay
Robertson, David
Robinson, Kate
Seymour, Jane
Sheahan AO, The Hon Acting Judge Terence
Stevenson, The Hon Acting Judge Janine
Watts AM, The Hon Acting Judge Garry

Senior Members

Aczel, Dr Thomas
Adamovich, Barbara
Ali, Birgun (Rosa) 
Alkadamani, Rabih
Andelman, Larissa
Anderson, Mark
Anthony, Lyn 
Archibald, Ian
Bailey, Robyn 
Bain, Margaret 
Baird, Dr Amee 
Banerjee, Dr Kathryn
Barnes, Shenagh 
Beale, Dr Ivan 
Bell SC, Adam
Bishop, Elizabeth
Blaxland, Wendy 
Block, Regina
Bluth, Dennis 
Bowman, Brooke
Boxall, Andrew 
Boyce, Philip 
Boyd-Boland, Stephen
Bryant, Lachlan 
Burnet, Dr Heike 
Burton SC, Gregory 
Charles, David 
Chenoweth, Dr Bruce 
Christie, Alexander 
Cigolini, Assoc Prof Maria
Collins, Rosemary
Conley, Jennifer
Connelly, Janice
Connor, Elaine 
Corr, Dr Melissa 
D'Arcy, Jennifer
Davidson, Lorna 
Deane, Megan
Decle, Peace
Dinnen, Deborah
Dixon SC, Harry
Djekovic, Dr Kate
Dubler SC, Dr Robert
Duffy, Francis
Dunn, Sarah
Durack SC, Philip
Eggleton, Dr Kylie
Ellensohn, Maria
Ellis SC, Graham
Fairlie, David
Falk, Angelene
Franke, Melissa
Frost, Stephen
Gardner, Michelle
Gatland, Jill
Geikie, Neil
Giurissevich, Anthony
Goldman, Dr David
Goldstein, David
Gracie, Malcolm
Grant, Christopher
Graycar, Emeritus Prof Reg 
Halbert, Jennifer
Hamilton, Renae
Harris Ingall, Athena
Higgins, Sigrid
Houlahan, Lynn
Hughes, Julie
Isenberg, Naida
Jay, David
Jones, Neil
Kearney, James
Kennedy, Claudia 
Kennedy, Nicole 
Kyriagis, Dr Maria
Landau, Dr Peter
Law, Dr Jane
Leal, Suzanne
Ledda, John
Lee, Stephen
Lethbridge SC, Robert
Levine, Judith
Little, Joanne 
Lloyd, David
Lo Surdo SC, Anthony
Longley, Dr Wendy
Love, Elizabeth
MacIntyre, Everton
Martin, Dr Meredith
Massey, Vaughan
Matheson, Alice
Matkovich, Nicholas 
Matthies, Christopher
McAteer, John
McAuliffe, Jane
McCarthy, Shaun
McDonald, Scott
McIllhatton, Susan
McMahon, Karen
McPhee, Dr Brenda 
Mishra, Hooma 
Mitchell, Dr Tanya
Mobbs, Karen
Moir, Jillian
Molony, Peter
Montgomery, Stephen
Moran, Peter
Moujalli, Daniel
Mulvey, Craig
O'Carrigan, Patrick
O'Dowd, Norman
Organ, Lynne
Perrignon, Richard
Pinto, Susan
Redfern PSM, Jan
Riordan, Michelle
Roberts, Susan
Rogers, Linda
Roney KC, Peter
Ross, Katherine
Ryan, Moira
Shub, Oscar
Simmons, Frances
Sindler, Michelle
Slack-Smith, Gemma
Smith, Jane
Staples, Melissa
Stares, Glenda
Starke, Alana
Steer, Charlotte 
Stephens, Dr Amanda
Sullivan, Judith
Taylor, Susan
Thompson, Dr Susan
Tibbey, Amanda
Titterton OAM, Robert
Toohey, Jill 
Turnbull, Mark
Tyson, Matthew
Ulman, Gary
Vrabac, Nick
Walker, Emeritus Prof Geoffrey
West AM, Dr Carolyn
Willcox, Prof Christopher
Wilson, Lucinda
Woods, Harry
Woolf, Claudia
Wroth, Dr Melanie 
Wylie, Dr Rachel
Ziegler, Deborah

General Members

Alder, Julia 
Ash, David 
Barnes, Matthew
Barnes, Susan
Barnetson, Diane
Bartrop, John 
Bassett, Graham
Bateman, Eric 
Black, Miriam
Bliim, Steven 
Bolt, Mary 
Boyce, Stuart 
Briggs, Phillip
Bullock, Suellen 
Campbell, Cathy
Carter, Dr Tanya 
Cheng, Kevin
Clark, Katrina
Compton, Dr Caroline 
Conroy, Tracie
Cootes AM, Janene
Corley, Susan 
Cornwell, Erika
Crawford, Dr Julia 
Crowley, Debbie
Davidson, Patricia
Davison, Steven
Drennan, Jeniffer
Eftimiou, Maritsa
Epstein-Frisch AM, Belinda 
Ferreira, Ingrid 
Foda, Sandrah
Foreman AM, Emeritus Prof Philip 
Gardner, Patrick 
George, Dr Katrina 
Given, Fiona
Glover, Ross 
Goodman-Delahunty, Prof Jane
Grafenauer, Katherine
Green, Dr Jennifer
Griffin, Leah 
Halstead, Nathan 
Hanstein, Sharon 
Harris, Philip 
Harvey, Danae 
Hayes, Elayne
Healy, Aine
Hennings, Simon 
Herberte, Jillian 
Hung, Chun-Chi (Michael)
Hunt, Sally
Jammy, Paul
Johnston, Susan
Kinsey, Graham 
Koch, Benjamin
Laurence, Kerrie
Le Breton, John 
Levingston, John
Lewis, Paul
Limbury, Ashley
Lynch, Anne 
Lynch, Joanne 
Lyne, Elizabeth
Maclean, Dr Jennifer
Maher, Maryanne 
McCue, Margaret 
McDaniel AO, Prof Michael
McDonald, Paul
McFarlane, Mary-Beth
McGirr, Patrick 
McIvor, Kirsty 
McNeill, Susannah
Mortensen, Karl
Murray, Dr Maree
Newman, Jennifer
Ng, Chuan 
Oxenham, Melanie 
Pickering, Edwina
Pirina, Christina 
Porter, Lyn
Poulos, Kathryn-Anne
Radburn, Sean
Richter, Ruth
Rose, Jeffrey 
Royer, Rosemary
Ruschen, Katherine 
Rutledge AM, Pamela
Sarofim, Prof Elizabeth
Searson, Jean-Anne 
Smith OAM, Dr Margaret 
Smith, Holly 
Smith, Peter 
Smith, Dr Stephen
Spencer, Dr Margaret
Stahel, Wendy
Stewart, Leanne
Stubbs, Kerry 
Sutherland, Stuart 
Sword, Donald
Terceiro, Michael 
Thew, Penelope 
Thomson, Bruce 
Topolinsky, Vadim
Totoeva, Anastacia
Watson, Margaret
Yin, Edward
Zammit, Peta 
Zraika, Malek

Last updated:

07 Feb 2025

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